I just wanted to write in and thank KELLYCO for selling me some outstanding machines. I bought a White's DFX and a Beach Hunter ID from you folks along with a bunch of accessories. I have had some great success of late surf hunting with the Beach Hunter ID. I went to a smaller lake where there is a lot of camping activity and a small swimming area. I started hunting in the shallows and worked my way out deep I found some coins and many bottle caps before a loud sounding of my Beach Hunter ID grabbed my attention.
The machine indicated a non-ferrous object. When I brought my scoop up I immediately saw the shine of a gold ring in the brilliant sunlight. When I pulled the beautiful ring out of my scoop I was in awe of the beauty of this ring that featured 5 diamonds and 8 sapphires, my best find to date. The scoop I used was a two piece Travel Beachmaster bought from KELLYCO. I got the ring on the first scoop in about 4 feet of water. I went on to find a men's gold ring as well.
With my DFX I pulled this beautiful ant ique broach out of the ground at a local park. The broach was down 6 inches. My DFX indicated a VDI reading for high quarter, low half. To my surprise as I saw the round stones of Amber. When I figured out what I was looking at in the hole, I was very careful to remove the soil slowly as I didn't want to dislodge any of the stones or mini pearls. As I found other coins in this section of the park, I believe that the broach was lost in the 1920's.
Thank You for selling me the equipment I need to get the job done! Your friendly staff is both knowledgeable and eager to help. Give them a raise!
Sincerely Greg A., Beaverton, MI
Read more White's stories here: http://www.kellycodetectors.com/Finds/whites/ts-whites.htm
Wow! You are lucky. I invest to get this one because I have a diamond ring lost in my grandmother's backyard while writing my custom research paper. The ring is so important because that ring is came form our ancestor.
I have to admit, I'm suprised. Well done, though.
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