| "A friend of mine recently invited me to hunt an area he had been hunting for the past few years. He felt like he had recovered most of the things that could be found with a standard 12" coil. After we arrived at the location we discovered it was an old home site. | I began searching the area using using my Fisher 1266x and the 12" Hot Head Coil. After finding several old pieces of iron hinges and farm tools that were 18" to 20" deep, I began walking back to my truck and received a clean signal that was "relay deep." After digging down approximately 2 ft. . ." Click here to read about the this amazing and rare discovery. Note: The Fisher 1266x has been updated, and is now the Fisher 1270. |
| | "I grew up in N. E. Louisiana on the family farm. This area was home for Native American�s as far back as 1500 B.C. As we tilled the fields we would unearth all sorts of Indian relics. At an early age I started collecting them. Little did I know this would be training that would later help me in searching for rocks from space. Generally speaking there are three main types of meteorites. They are stone, iron, and stony iron (pallasite). While all three contain some iron, the palisites and iron have the highest concentrations. To locate them I needed a metal detector. | Finding the guys at Kellyco was a great day. J.W. helped me chose the correct equipment the first time. He recommended the Deep Max III by Lorenz. The Deep Max III can handle large frame coils (up to 40 feet) for deep detection and covering large areas. The meteorites I was looking for can be as deep as 7 feet and scattered over an area up to six miles long. With the 40 foot coil the Deep Max III allows one to cover as much as 20 acres a day. This greatly increases the chance of locating a meteorite. Soon after receiving my equipment I headed off to Kansas with high anticipation. After three weeks I had found lots of treasure (junk to me), but no meteorites. Man, this was hard. . ." Click here to see more photos and read the touching story of Murry Crowe's dedication to finding iron meteorites. | New stories are always welcome! If you have a treasure story you would like to have published in our newsletter, send an email to jparrish@kellycodetectors.com. Include your name, a picture, and a story explaining your find, the detector you used, and your overall hunting experience! | |
New Products & Updated Technology = Fun Toys & Greater Chances of Finding Treasure! The Vibra-Tector 730 is a state-of-the-art, handheld metal detector that communicates with pulses of vibration and light, incorporates Pulse Induction (PI) technology and is waterproof to a depth of 30 feet. The self-calibrating microprocessor controlled circuitry requires no adjustments. The unique sealed design allows detecting in any environment including grass, mud, dirt, sand, black sand or even in both fresh and salt water. Kellyco just got these great machines back in stock, so we're offering a "Pre-Order Introduction Sale" on the Vibra-Tector 730. Click here to read more about it and pick it up for only $145.95. |
| The Vibra-Probe 570 Pinpointer metal detector is a miniature version of a primary detector. It communicates through vibration, incorporates Pulse Induction (PI) technology, is waterproof to a depth of 30 feet and comes with the belt mountable holster. The Vibra-Probe 570 is fully automatic. The self-calibrating microprocessor controlled circuitry requires no adjustments and utilizes automatic on and off. The modern electronics and simple to use design makes locating elusive targets easy in any environment. The "Pre-Order Introduction Sale" on the Vibra-Probe 570 will last for the next week - so click here to read more about it and pick it up for only $129.95! |
| | The Discovery Underwater Proton Magnetometer finds any item made of iron, no matter what size; both large and small. You can locate buried iron cannons, anchors, and treasure chests, as well as any type of iron vessel! It is used by professional treasure hunters worldwide including relic hunters, marine industrial companies, ocean salvage companies, Archeologist, and local city municipalities. This professional strength underwater machine retails for $5,950.00 but Kellyco is hosting an Introductory Sale since this machine is brand new for us! Click here to read more about it, see photographs of it in use by deep sea divers, and pick it up for only $5,199.00. |
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Kellyco is proud to welcome DetectorPro as a new supplier of quality metal detectors that have found acceptance worldwide. Gary Storm, the President of DetectorPro, first developed a relationship with Kellyco earlier this year when he built our most popular high-quality headphones - the Accusound Pro. Gary has been designing, developing and selling quality metal detectors for his company, DetectorPro, for 11 years - and Kellyco is excited to feature our first of Gary's extensive and successful product line. The Headhunter Pirate metal detector is DetectorPro's latest easy-to-use, lightweight metal detector. Featuring an 8" concentric, co-planar searchcoil, an adjustable rod length of 43" to 53", and a 2.4kHz quartz crystal controlled operating frequency, we can truly say we are proud to have formed an alliance with the Pirate. The most attractive feature of this machine is its easy-to-use, family-friendly user interface. With two knobs, the Pirate boasts of turn-on-and-go simplicity. It also comes with a pair of heavy-duty headphones that have Polymer Muffs with full-ear, soft cushions and both a volume and discrimination control on the side! The Pirate is water resistant, so feel free to wade into the surf with the coil and lower shaft in your search for treasure! The retail price of this new machine is $329.95, but we're featuring the Pirate for an introductory price of only $297.00! Click here to read more about the Pirate, see some great photographs and pick one up for your next family trip to the beach! |
Have you used one of these machines? If so, we would love your opinion on it! Initial survey results show that our customers want more field tests and user reviews of products - and we need your help to get them! If you've used any of these machines please feel free to send us your thoughts! We'll feature your opinion on our website and you'll help hundreds of fellow metal detectorists out! |
"The Urban Treasure Hunter" by Michael Chaplan - $18.95 Every city possesses countless hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Unfortunately, few of us know where to look for these artifacts, and even fewer know how to go about recovering them. This text is a complete and practical guide to locating, recovering, and identifying old coins, lost jewelry, hidden money caches, historical relics, antique bottles and prehistoric artifacts. This book is available here for only $18.95. | | "The Official Red Book - 2008 Guide to United States Coins" - $14.95 Known as the "Bible of the industry" this annual guide book of U.S. coins provides beginning and seasoned collectors valuable coin price trends and detailed information about virtually all U.S. coins. Up to seven price columns: History of United States Coinage, American Numismatic Association Grading Standards, Sections on mint errors, colonials, proof and mint sets, commemoratives, territorial's, types coins, Civil War Issues, and United States Bullion Coins. This book is available here for only $14.95 | GemOro Ultrasonic Cleaner - $36.95 Cleans quickly and easily with a powerful, yet gentle ultrasonic waves in 3 minutes or less. No scrubbing or polishing needed. No harsh chemicals, uses water or optional cleaning solution (166-0901). Removes dirt and grime from coins, rings, artifacts and jewelry. This is one of the best, most affordable ultrasonic cleaners we have ever used. The GemOro retails for $69.95, but is available here for only $36.95. | | Rugged Collector Frames - $2.55 - $12.95 These quality cases use a heavy embossed black paper simulating leather. Inside the frames there is white synthetic polyester instead of cotton because cotton tends to stain easily from rusted coins and artifacts. They have a glass cover and come in a multitude of sizes! Check out all different kinds of collector frames and cases here for prices you're sure to find affordable! |  |  | |
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